Diocesan Archives

Welcome to the Archives of the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston! The Archives is the official repository of all historical and current records relating to the Diocese. In addition to these records may be found historical information relating to the state of West Virginia, including information predating West Virginia’s statehood in 1863.

The Diocesan Archives is open by appointment only. Please make arrangements with the Diocesan Archivist before visiting.

Mission Statement: The Archives of the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston exists as a resource for educating and enriching the public about the state’s Catholic heritage through access to historical records, promoting historical research, exhibits, special programs and outreach services. To further this mission, the Archives will:

  • Partner with Diocesan institutions, other denominations and community groups
  • Highlight the laity’s role in the growth and development of the Catholic Church within the state
  • Document the role of priests, religious men and women and Diocesan institutions within the state
  • Reflect the genesis and expansion of the Diocese in relation to cultural and economic events within the state