By Colleen Rowan

Colleen Rowan Photo
Members of the Follansbee Fire Department, Police Department, Emergency Medical Services (EMS), and those serving in the U.S. Military look on as Bishop Mark Brennan offers his homily during the Blue Mass at St. Anthony Church in Follansbee Sept. 29.

FOLLANSBEE — “Hold your heads high. You have noble professions,” Bishop Mark Brennan said. This was his message to members of Police and Fire departments, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) personnel, and those serving in the U.S. Mil- itary at his celebration of the Blue Mass at St. Anthony Parish in Follans- bee Sept. 29.

Present for the Mass were local dignitaries, as well as the family members and community members who support these men and women who risk their lives in public service. Concelebrating the Mass were Father L.J. Asantha Jude Perera, TOR, administrator of St. Anthony’s, and Father Arul Anthony, administrator of St. John the Evangelist Parish in nearby Wellsburg.

Bishop Brennan began his homily for the Blue Mass, noting that Jewish and Christian traditions have honored the angels and seen them as a true ministry of God toward man- kind. Most notably, he pointed to the Archangels Michael, the defender of God’s people; Raphael, whose angelic mission on earth was to heal; and Gabriel, messenger of divine comfort, most particularly when he reveals to Mary that she will be the mother of our savior.

“God uses these archangels to serve his people, to serve his creation,” Bishop Brennan said. “And those who serve in and among the police and fire departments, first responders, and in the military imitate, among human be- ings, what these archangels do.”

“All of these folks are agents of comfort and providers of security in our communities, and it is right to honor them for what they do,” the bishop said. “Sometimes they have to risk their health and their lives to do their jobs.”

Bishop Brennan also called to mind the many police and firefighters who have been killed doing their jobs.

“We also hear of the bad apples,” the bishop said. “It is true there are some bad apples. … And bad apples have to be dealt with.” He warned that there can be a culture of silence and circling the wagons mentality, which can prevent pro- gress and reform that are needed.

“The bad apples, my friends, are not the whole story, they simply aren’t,” Bishop Brennan said. “In my experience over many years most police and fire, medical, first responders, and those serving in the military are dedicated to serving others. And they try to do it faithfully.”

Bishop Brennan said he believes that the majority of people recognize this. “If you ask people in poor neighborhoods in some of our great cities, do they want the police to be defunded? Do you know what they say? No. They want police protection.”

At this Mass, the bishop said the community honors those who dedicate their lives and their energies to the people, to keeping all safe, and responding when problems occur.

“I encourage you, who are in these wonderful public service professions, hold your heads high. As there are angels that serve and continue to serve God so you do by serving your fellow human beings,” the bishop said. “You have noble professions. Never let anyone take that away from you. Honor God, trust him, and pray as we heard in the psalm, When I called, you answered me. You built up strength within me.”

God will not let down those who call upon him in their need, the bishop said to them.

“My friends who are in the police and fire de- partments, first responders, and those serving in the military,” Bishop Brennan said, “may the angels inspire you, may their prayers assist you.”

At the end of the Mass, Follansbee Mayor David Velegol recognized the police, firefighters, EMS personnel, and military members present noting the number of years each have served.