Our Soul’s Most Welcome Guest

Today’s Readings: Acts 2:1–11; Psalm 104:1, 24, 25–30, 31, 34; 1 Corinthians 12:3b–7, 12–13; John 20:19–23. The Easter season ends with the Solemnity of Pentecost, which marks the disciples going into the world. In today’s reading from Acts, the disciples are gathered in the upper room, the place where they encountered the Risen Christ and where they received the gift of his Body and Blood. Here, they receive the gift of the Holy Spirit and are empowered for the mission that Jesus has entrusted to them.

Crowds in the streets of Jerusalem understand when the disciples speak, even though the gathering consists of people from many nations. This group symbolizes the worldwide mission of the Church. The Spirit will guide and encourage the disciples as they journey beyond Jerusalem to share the Word of God with all people.

The work of the disciples continues today. In our lives, followers of Christ are to welcome and look to the Holy Spirit for guidance as they continue to make God known. Some may be astounded at this and others bewildered. Still, we need to speak “of the mighty works of God.” Take some time in quiet and begin a prayer with “Come, Holy Spirit, come!” In your own words, request courage, strength, and a joyful spirit for carrying out your discipleship. Seek to make the Spirit a welcome guest in your prayer life.

© 2019 Liturgy Training Publications. 800-933-1800. Written by Mary Heinrich. Scripture texts are from the New American Bible, revised edition © 2010, 1991, 1986, 1970, Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, DC. All rights reserved. Used by permission. Permission to publish granted by the Archdiocese of Chicago, on August 28, 2018.