A New Heaven and a New Earth

Today’s Readings: Acts 14:21–27; Psalm 145:8–9, 10–11, 12–13; Revelation 21:1–5a; John 13:31–33a, 34–35. “Behold, I make all things new.” In the Second Reading, John’s description of a new heaven and a new earth provides a glimpse of the Parousia, a time when everything will be made new. The glory of God will be revealed then and the faithful will be transformed. This reading is one of the options for a funeral. Mourners are comforted by hearing of the old order passing away and the person entering a place where pain does not exist.

Before Jesus left his disciples, he gave them a new Commandment that would lead to a new way of being. By loving one another, Jesus said, they would be known as his disciples. Love is a witness to the world. Jesus tells his followers to love “as I have loved you.” How is this love different from the way human beings often love?

During the fifty days of Easter, we rejoice in knowing that Jesus loved us so much that he died and rose from the dead, releasing from death those who believe. Knowing Christ means becoming more like him, loving others as he loved. How can you continue to be open to God’s transforming love so that your life can glorify him? Reflect on this during your quiet prayer time.

© 2019 Liturgy Training Publications. 800-933-1800. Written by Mary Heinrich. Scripture texts are from the New American Bible, revised edition © 2010, 1991, 1986, 1970, Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, DC. All rights reserved. Used by permission. Permission to publish granted by the Archdiocese of Chicago, on August 28, 2018.